News - Microfitting February 2025

We would like to share some results of orbital welding trails with You.

The application was orbital welding of quite small stainless steel pipe ø 6.0x1.0 mm

We used our Orbital S7 Compact MV power source and the CHW21 welding head with according collets

The welding time was about 16s with 4 sectors, first sector was with pulsing 33A for 0,125 s and 11A for 0.125s

For reproducable root welding it was neccessary to do some pipe facing before welding.

A clean surface and a sharpe edge will provide constant root shape.

The shielding gas was Argon 5.0 with flow of 8l/min for welding

Argon 5.0 gas was used also for backing gas with flow of 2.5 l/min.

During parameter optimization in the welding tests - we have achieved good root pentration and a very clean welding.



Would you like to share our enthusiasm for our orbital welding systems?

No problem – inquiries are welcome via

You can find us in Mülheim-Kärlich near Koblenz.
Our address is:

OWT GmbH & Co. KG
In the Florinskaul 13
D-56218 Mülheim-Kärlich

New product catalog:

Our new product catalog is available on our website. You can find our catalog via our start page. Click on the point: Products on the start page, then our current product catalog appears automatically. This opens in a new browser window.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us under: Tel. +49 (0) 261 98 88 380-0 or

OWT GmbH & Co. KG

In der Florinskaul 13
D-56218 Mülheim-Kärlich

Postfach: 100306 D-56033 Koblenz

Tel. +49 (0) 261 98 88 380-0
Fax +49 (0) 261 98 88 380-9
Mobil +49 (0) 172 8304731


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